Our family at Genesis Chiropractic Center wanted to wish you and your family well during these uncertain times.

Genesis Chiropractic will be changing our office schedule starting the week of 4/20/2020. We have remained open over the last month during our morning hours maintaining the highest standard of sanitation, social distancing, and monitoring patient health prior to admitting anyone into the treatment rooms. Please read over our COVID 19 Message to get a better understanding of our steps.


Governor Murphy is requiring people wear face masks in essential businesses, please wear your face covering into the office. We will be, screening patients via phone to determine the patient’s risk for exposure to COVID-19:

  1. Have they traveled to an area with a CDC level 3 travel advisory?
  2. Have they had close contact with a known individual with COVID-19?
  3. Are they over 65?
  4. Do they have any other serious underlying medical conditions? (Diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, etc?)
  5. Do they have temperatures of 100.4 or higher, cough OR difficulty breathing?

Be prepared to have your temperature taken prior to entering the treatment rooms. It’s recommended that patients have a temp of 100.4 or less prior to being seen.

Our Chiropractic State Association, ANJC, recommends closing the waiting room area and calling patients in from their cars in order to maintain a 6-foot distance between staff and other patients the entire time you are in the office. This will give our staff an opportunity to disinfect all treatment rooms in between patients. Please feel free to call our office with any questions.

Genesis Hours Starting 4/20/2020:

Monday/Friday - 9am-1pm and 3pm-5pm

Wednesday - 9am-1pm

Saturday - 9am - 12pm

Please call to make an appointment to allow for proper management of time/care.

Stay safe, and be well!

Dan Ivovich