New Hours June 1st 2020 - COVID-19

Genesis Hours Starting June 1, 2020

Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 9am-1pm and 3pm-6pm

Saturday - 9am - 12pm


Please call to make an appointment to allow for proper management of time/care. Stay safe, and be well!


Drs. William and Zachary Voyce are here! We wanted to take a moment to touch base with many of you who are staying home and sheltering from the Pandemic/Covid 19.

We want to say HELLO to those of you we have not seen since this all began in March and say THANK YOU to those of you who have ventured out for chiropractic care. We trust you are doing what it takes to remain healthy and safe during this time. We just want you to know we are here and doing the same as many of you, taking precautions, staying close to home, and serving our Chiropractic Family/Community. We have chosen to do so because we feel it is our duty to be available for those in need of the service we provide along with being deemed essential!

We are continuing to do everything possible to follow the CDC guidelines for the safety of our patients and staff. Please don't hesitate to contact our office with any questions and to schedule your appointment. All visits are by appointment. Take a moment and visit our new look on this website and keep updated with Facebook.

Paients are to call from their cars to advise our staff that you have arrived for your appointment. Instructions will be given at that time. This will give our staff an opportunity to disinfect all treatment rooms in between patients. Be prepared to have your temperature taken prior to entering the treatment rooms AND wearing a Mask in our office!!!

Our waiting room area is arranged to adhere to the 6 feet social distancing order. Please feel free to call our office with any questions.

Dan Ivovich